Owners Can Shape Winning Cultures


It’s often said that an enterprising family’s values can be a source of competitive advantage for their businessThese values influence the corporate culturehelping attract talent and maintain resilience in the face of setbacks. This mattersAccording to Peter Drucker:

Culture eats strategy for breakfast. 

Here’s the view of Adele Levinge, a second-generation member of an Australian business-owning family 

What are your family’s values 

Our values are honesty, integrity, passion, caring, quality and vision. The biggest ones for us are honesty and integrity. 

What’s the link between family values and business values? 

It’s very important for us to maintain our values within our professional lives, we feel very strongly about that. Our family business has our name attached to it. 

What’s the message for your upcoming generation? 

They can leverage the success and the history of my generation and my parents’ generation by really honoring the values and staying true to the family’s valuesIt doesn’t matter whether we are young or old, if we live by the values then we’re leveraging them as much as possible. 

BFF subscribers can find out more by logging into www.businessfamilies.org and watching our video The Pride of Ownership  

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